During the summer of 2018 artists were busy at Enghave Brygge in Sydhavnen, Copenhagen creating Europe’s longest graffiti mural.
“Evolution 2” is the name of the work – and on the half-kilometer long fence is depicted the world’s birth, from The Big Bang to the present, with a peak into the future as the artists predict it.
Enghave Brygge was before urban development and metro construction, known as the place where Danish and international street artists flocked and met. Especially Ulrik Schiødts work “Evolution” was famous, recognized and respected among other street artists. In 17 years this work was allowed to stand without being tagged or painted over by other street artists.
As the city developed and a decision about building a metro line was made, the whole area was cleared. And the wall and the so-called Hall of Fame with Ulrik Schiødts work was torn down. But in connection with the metro line construction there was a new opportunity to create the work on the metro fence. Ulrik Schiødt decided together with his friend and colleague, artist Peter Skensved to make “Evolution 2” with help from fellow Dane Michael Wisniewski and Alexandre de Girardier from Paris. There have also been guest performances from 10 of the best Danish street art artists, each of them adding an element in the mural.
Brand objective
Coop wanted to create an app with pictures of the mural telling the story of evolution, tied together with an event in collaboration with GoCook and TV Chef Gorm Wish
UX Design
Art Direction